
Monday May 01, 2023
24 TOUGHEST Q&A Christians should know - Apologetics
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
24 Questions and Answers every Christians should know in order to help those who don't.

Friday Oct 25, 2019
TOP 5 responses to TOUGH questions!
Friday Oct 25, 2019
Friday Oct 25, 2019
Introduction - Ray Comfort
1) Why Evolution is a lie? Bill Nye - Kent Hovind
2) How can we know which religion is true? Ravi Zacharias
3) Don't all religions lead to God? Andy Bannister
4) Where does God come from? Kent Hovind
5) What is the evidence that Yeshua rose from the dead? Allen Parr

Friday May 28, 2010
I didn't believe this place existed
Friday May 28, 2010
Friday May 28, 2010
www.spiritlessons.com www.nakedlife.org

Friday Apr 09, 2010
Untold evidence of the Bible
Friday Apr 09, 2010
Friday Apr 09, 2010
Is the Bible, God’s Word?
Friday Apr 09, 2010
Untold Evidence of God
Friday Apr 09, 2010
Friday Apr 09, 2010
The evidence of God isn’t revealed or taught in the education system - why? What are we afraid of? Are we a product of the educational system when hard science, mathematics, history and logical philosophy points to the Designer? Are we truly free-thinkers or brainwashed? Are we tossed to and fro through ignorance and tradition? And do we honestly live life of meaning or do we live life based on our comfort? The Author, a member of Mensa, has kept this book short, factual and to the point. He takes us on a life journey of pealing back the onion on these obvious questions so that the stench of the obvious truth may come to the surface. www.nakedlife.org