
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Why JESUS CAME to earth - Myles Munroe
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Sunday Jul 09, 2023

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
#1 Power of Fasting by Myles Munroe
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
My Top 2 sermons on Prayer and Fasting by Myles Munroe. Powerful message on Fasting and the reason for fasting.

Thursday Jul 26, 2018
Prayer Brings the Kingdom of God - Robert Henderson
Thursday Jul 26, 2018
Thursday Jul 26, 2018
What is Prayer - Prayer is a two-way conversation with God. This involves directing our prayer to God, speaking out loud, listening and responding to Him (Ps. 5:3). There are corporate prayers, where we pray together for a certain outcome (Matt. 18:19; Acts 14:23), and where we are assembled together but we commune individually with Him (Acts 12:12; 20:36; 21:5). There are prayers we pray on our own, not to be seen by men, but pray in secret (Matt. 6:5-8).
Why pray – God told us to (Luke 18:1; Phm. 1:4). Prayer releases our authority He has given us through our mouth (Rom. 10:10). It enables God to work through us, to meet His will on earth for us and others (Ezek. 22:29-31; John 15:7; Matt. 7:7-11; Ps. 91) e.g. prayer for salvation (Rom. 10:9-10; Matt. 9:38), empowerment of Holy Spirit (Acts 8:15; 19:6; Luke 11:13), protecting us against temptation (Matt. 26:41), giving us supernatural wisdom (James 1:6), healing (James 5:15-16), physical needs (Phil. 4:19), and much more…
Who do we pray to – To God our Father who is in Heaven (Matt. 6:9; 23:9; John 8:42). Jesus Christ’s sacrifice made it possible to have direct access to God as our Father (Heb. 4:16; John 1:12) and it is Holy Spirit who actually helps us (Rom. 8:14-15, 26). Can we pray with Jesus and Holy Spirit? Yes, Paul prayed to the Lord Jesus when he was being persecuted (2 Cor. 12:8-9) and so did Stephen (Acts 7:59). The early church communed with Holy Spirit regarding interpretation of scripture for He is our Teacher (Acts 10:19-20; 13:2; 15:28; 2 Cor. 13:14; 1 John 2:26-27; John 14:16).
How to pray - The key to prayer is to know God’s love has been provided in and through Jesus Christ and to respond accordingly (John 17:23; Acts 17:28; Rom. 5:10; 8:38-39). Know that He hears and responds. The pattern of prayer is to honor God as our Heavenly Father, seek His Will to be done, talk about expanding His Kingdom, forgive others, repent and depend upon Him (Luke 11:2-4; Matt. 6:9-15; John 17; Acts 4:24-30).
Few Types of prayer: Prayer - to commune with a heart of worship/ obedience to Him (Matt. 6:8-12, 33).
Supplication - to request/ urge God’s blessing for self or others (Rom. 10:2; Luke 1:13).
Confession – to confess our need for Him and His promises (Rom. 10:10), including repenting for our sin (1 John 1:9; Rev. 3:19).
Intercessory – to commune with God on behalf of someone else (2 Cor. 1:11; Ezek. 22:29-31).
Thanks giving and praise – to express gratitude to Him (1 Tim. 2:1; Heb. 13:15).
These types of Prayer are mostly spoken out loud (Luke 11:2; John 17:1; 18:1), either in our natural language or in our spiritual language(s) called tongues. We pray in our understanding and sometimes not (1 Cor. 14:14-15).
Tongues - Everyone who believes and is baptized in Holy Spirit can speak in tongues (Mark 16:17; Acts 2:4; 8:17-19; 11:15). Being baptized in Holy Spirit can be at the same time as conversion (Acts 10:44-46) or after (Acts 19:5-6; John 20:22 & Acts 1:8). Generally the person speaking in tongues doesn’t know what they are saying; they are speaking mysteries (1 Cor. 14:2), the wonderful works of God (Acts 2:11), and/or giving of thanks to God (1 Cor. 14:16). In the process they are edifying themselves (1 Cor. 14:2, 4; Jude 1:20).
How to Hear Him – It is rare, but He does speak audibly. Most times His voice speaks to our conscience, our spirit. It is Holy Spirit who bears witness with our spirit (Rom. 9:1; 8:16). His voice gives us an answer of inner peace (2 Tim. 1:7). An inner peace that isn’t based on logic, tradition or emotion but on an inner knowing it is right or no peace telling us it is wrong (Gen. 41:16, Ps. 85:8; Phil. 4:6-8; Col. 3:15, 1 John 2:27). His peace validates the word He speaks. Many times the Lord will answer the root of the question, the motivation for the request, not necessarily what is being asked (1 Chr. 28:9; Luke 1:18-20, 34-35). So check the motive.
Some ways He speaks -
- He reminds us of a specific Bible passage and it brings clarity to that exact area of need (2 Peter 1:19; Ps. 119:105,130; John 14:26; Matt. 4:4).
- A dream or vision burnt into our heart and we have difficulty shaking it (Job 33:15-16; Acts 10:17).
- Someone is sent to answer, or ask a question that inspires the answer (Acts 3:18-22; 1 Cor. 12:28; Num. 22:28-33). It confirms what we already know within (Acts 21:10-14).
- An impossible idea accompanied by His faith and favour to do it (Num. 14:6-9; Matt. 14:29).
- A thought reveals the answer as you step out and answer (Matt. 10:20; 1 Cor. 2:10; Jer. 1:11-12).
- A similar scenario is played out, exposing the answer (Acts 10:10-17; 2 Sam. 12:1-12).
- As we write to Him, He responds through the flow of the words (e.g. Ps. 3; 4; 5 etc.).
If unable to clearly hear Him then suppress the flesh with a fast! (Luke 5:35; Gal. 6:7-8; Acts 13:2; 14:23).
Barriers to Prayer -
- Not surrendering to Him as the source (Heb. 11:6; Ex. 3:14; James 4:7-8; Prov. 28:9; 2 Chr. 7:14-16);
- Being worldly and not God’s Kingdom focused (James 4:3; Matt. 6:20-33);
- Having an un-repentant heart (1 John 1:7-9; Ps. 66:18);
- Not praying from a transparent believing heart (Jer. 29:11-14; Is. 29:13; Mark 11:22-23);
- Having un-forgiveness towards others (Mark 11:25-26; Matt. 6:15);
- Not loving those in the Lord (John 15:7-12; 1 John 3:20-24; Matt. 5:23-24);
- Abstaining from good; not seeking justice, not rebuking those who oppress those who are suffering; not defending the fatherless, not pleading on behalf of the widow (Is. 1:15-19). Shutting our eyes and ears to helping the poor (Prov. 21:13). Ignoring the needs of our family (1 Tim. 5:8);
- Husband dishonouring their wife (1 Peter 3:7); wife not submitting to her husband as to the Lord (1 Cor. 11:10; Eph. 5:22).

Monday Dec 04, 2017
Whats in the name Jesus by Benny Hinn
Monday Dec 04, 2017
Monday Dec 04, 2017
Fire side teaching by Benny Hinn on the Name of Jesus

Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
David Ring who lives with Cerebral Palsy Testifies
Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
David Ring who lives with Cerebral Palsy shares testimony - If I can do it you can do it.

Saturday Aug 22, 2015
YESHUA THE ONLY WAY - by Ordinary Christians
Saturday Aug 22, 2015
Saturday Aug 22, 2015
New Release 3 of 5 part series of Ordinary Christians. In this episode, they explore what is the Good News, how is Yeshua the only way and how can we be certain. This is only the audio rendering of the visual video of "Yeshua the Only Way".

Friday Aug 14, 2015
YESHUA‘S IMPACT - by Ordinary Christians
Friday Aug 14, 2015
Friday Aug 14, 2015
New Release 2 of 5 part series of Ordinary Christians. In this episode, they explore the key facts Jesus (Yeshua) did as a man and his lasting impact through history. He only ministered for 3 years. Is there any greater man in history than Yeshua (Jesus)? Ordinary Christians Part 2 -explores the greatness of Yeshua. His impact on the world is good.

Saturday Jan 19, 2013
Commands of Jesus - Part 2
Saturday Jan 19, 2013
Saturday Jan 19, 2013
Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments (John 14:15). This is extracted from the Holy Gospels in One - 2 of 2 parts. Courtesy of www.nakedlife.org.

Saturday Jan 19, 2013
Commands of Jesus - Part 1
Saturday Jan 19, 2013
Saturday Jan 19, 2013
Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments (John 14:15). This is extracted from the Holy Gospels in One - 1 of 2 parts. Courtesy of www.nakedlife.org.

Tuesday Mar 13, 2012
Promise verses - Benny Hinn
Tuesday Mar 13, 2012
Tuesday Mar 13, 2012
Promises found in scripture - Read by Benny Hinn.
Heb 4:12 is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. For the word of God