
Friday Jul 06, 2018
Healing through Word of Knowledge - Randy Clark
Friday Jul 06, 2018
Friday Jul 06, 2018
The spiritual gift of word of wisdom comprises of word and wisdom. Greek word for “word” is logos. It is a word one receives in the heart without necessarily understanding the reason (Prov. 3:4-7) or worldly wisdom (1 Cor. 2:6), but know that it is the right thing to say or do (to judge) in the fear of God (1 Cor. 6:5). For the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 1:7; 9:10; 15:33) Therefore if anyone lack wisdom, the ability to judge correctly in the fear of God, let Him ask of the Lord without doubting (James 1:5). Those who receive wisdom others will clearly see and not be able to resist the wisdom (Acts 6:10). Therefore here are some examples in the scripture of words of wisdom:
- Solomon dividing the child as a test to see who the rightful mother was (1 Kings 3:23-28).
- Moses laying hands on Joshua to receive Spirit of Wisdom (Deut. 34:9).
- Stephen able to debate with those of the synagogue and they were unable to resist (Acts 6:9-10).
- Paul’s specific approach to unbelievers and winning some (Acts 17:22-34), therefore he who wins souls is wise (Prov. 11:30).
- Paul giving instruction concerning Timothy’s stomach and frequent infirmities, such as take a little wine (1 Tim. 5:23).
Extract taken from https://heavenscatalyst.org/witness/spiritual-gifts/

Saturday Feb 16, 2013
Healing is Biblical - Randy Clark
Saturday Feb 16, 2013
Saturday Feb 16, 2013
My next top 10 sermon (#28). Sermon by Randy Clark on the Biblical Basis for Healing.

Saturday Feb 16, 2013
Words of Knowledge Teaching by Randy Clark - Part 1
Saturday Feb 16, 2013
Saturday Feb 16, 2013
My next top 10 (#27). Sermon by Randy Clark on Words of Knowledge. This is #1 of 3 part series on the teaching from various ministers on Words of Knowledge and how to exercise them.